
Mindful Leadership

4 Ripple Effects of Conscious Leadership

BL00 - 4 Ripple Effects of Conscious Leadership-High-Quality

By Georgina Miranda, guest contributor

As the future of work continues to evolve at a rapidly changing place, our centeredness and heightened awareness as leaders become ever more so critical. The playbook we once used as leaders needs to be revisited with new eyes and heart so that we can be our own anchors and that for our people. We are called to consider a broader perspective of what world-class places of work look, feel, and act like. 

Conscious leadership asks us to be mindful, compassio…

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How a Mindful Leader can Transform Culture in an Empowering Way

BL00 - How a Mindful Leader can Transform Culture in an Empowering Way 2-High-Quality

By John J. Murphy, guest contributor

For the past 33 years I have worked as a transformational business consultant, helping organizations worldwide build high-performance work environments. The keyword here is environment. Albert Einstein once said, “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” In my experience, the field is the culture. It is the environment we live and work in. It is a form of energy that impacts the way we think, feel, look at things, and behave. Like gravity, we…

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Post-COVID: Creating Your New Normal in the Workplace

BL00 - Post-COVID New Normal-High-Quality

By Georgina Miranda, guest contributor

After a year or more away from your office and peers, the thought of returning back to your desk, commute, and schedule can bring on new concerns or anxiety. Leaders today are challenged to create a new normal for their places of work and teams. While you might still hear many people say, “I can’t wait to go back to normal,” it’s important to acknowledge that our world has shifted, we as individuals have shifted, and the normal we knew is in the past. We c…

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Building a Culture of Presence at Work

BL00 - Building a Culture of Presence at Work-High-Quality

By Georgina Miranda, guest contributor

In the middle of life's storms, presence can help us make better decisions in stressful environments and help us stay centered and responsive versus reactive. Operating from this place helps us to grow our resilience and not deplete our energy. 

The future of work requires a commitment to the mental wellbeing of people. Regardless of the amazing products, services, or technology a company may be offering, its greatest resource is its people. Without the w…

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3 Ways to Make Better Hiring Decisions with Mindfulness

BL00 - How to Integrate Mindfulness in Hiring-High-Quality

View our Free Guide - What is MBSR?

By Dori Kelner, guest contributor

Sourcing talent and hiring new employees are some of the most challenging — and important — tasks that managers face. We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed by the process, despite our best-laid plans and intentions. How often do we hire the candidate who looks to be the right person, only to find ourselves recruiting for the same position just a few short months later when the new hire doesn’t work out?

The truth…

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How Kaizen Events can Foster Team Presence and Innovation

BL00 - Cultivating Mindfulness in the Workplace-High-Quality

By John J. Murphy, guest contributor

One practical definition of leadership is going first. Leading the way. Walking the talk. I like this definition because it challenges leaders to be genuine and authentic, to lead by example. This is especially important when bringing mindfulness into a corporate culture. You will have a lot of skeptics and doubters. To many people, the idea of mindfulness brings images of yogis sitting on a mountaintop, chanting mantras. Who has time for this? We have deadl…

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3 Steps to Increase Organizational Bandwidth

BL00 - Developing Organizational Bandwidth-High-Quality

By Jay Forte, guest contributor

Though a workplace continually changes, the past year showed us just how fast the changes can be. How does an organization stay current with the skills needed to keep the organization growing and performing as the environment around it changes? 

The answer: organizational bandwidth.

The historical way of hiring employees has assessed them for the specific abilities – their strengths, skills, and experience – as it relates to the role they are applying for. If w…

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3 Types of Time Critical to Mindful Leadership Success

CBL00 - The 3 Types of Time Leaders Need-Max-Quality

By Martin Boroson and Carmel Moore, guest contributors

Looking at your calendar can be soul-destroying. 

Sadly, we do it many times a day.

If you believe your calendar, life is a grid. And time is not a flow of experience, but a stack of blocks—equal, interchangeable, and soulless. 

The way we actually experience time, however, is neither regular nor mechanical. It is subjective, depending on factors such as mood, stage of life, and whatever we’re doing. For example, time flies when you’re h…

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7 Steps for Mindful Performance Reviews

BL00 - Mindful Performance Reviews-Max-Quality

By Bridgette Morehouse, guest contributor

How well companies can create cultures of connection is the new superpower. In our future of self-driving cars and artificial intelligence, the power of human connection will become increasingly evident. The multiplier effect of workplace wellbeing, inclusivity, and belongingness is already well documented. And yet…

The realities of work today are straining our ability to connect in meaningful ways. So many of us feel the weight of the work that is nee…

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Your Finest Hour: Leading Wisely in Challenging Times

BL00 - Your Finest Hour-Max-Quality

By Jay Forte, MBA, CPC, CGC, ELI-MP, guest contributor

When you’re the leader, the focus is always on you. People watch your every move, ready to judge what you decide to do and how you do it, regardless of the situation at hand. This holds especially true in challenging times because there is more at stake.  

Consider how some well-known organizations responded to challenging times. Some of the responses ruined careers because the careless, self-centered, or reactive comments created a negati…

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