

What "Bird-Noticing" Can Teach Us About Mindfulness

BL00 - What bird-noticing can teach us about mindfulness

By Rob Osborn, guest contributor 

Would you like to have fewer regrets? When you do the autopsy on the action, the critical word you’ve said, or the less-than-polite email you fired off, are you ever uncertain how you behaved differently from your values or intention? How did you get away from the plan to love others to not seeming to love others?

How do we end up doing what we don’t want to do? Even saints struggle with this. A towering figure in the Christian faith, the apostle Paul, rambled…

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Move over ChatGPT, 3 New AI Tools

BL00 - Move over ChatGPT, 3 New AI Tools

By Mo Edjlali

A couple of months ago, we began a series of articles on ChatGPT, discussing its potential uses in our work and addressing common concerns about AI. I've been a tech junkie all my life. I'd spend hours as a kid flipping through popular science magazines at the library and built my first computer at 15 (it was a 486 IBM clone if that rings a bell!). Eventually, I got a degree in computer engineering and spent two decades working as a technology architect and manager constantly on t…

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March Neuroscience Round-Up for Mindful Leaders

BL00 -  Workplace Neuroscience Roundup-Max-Quality

By The Mindful Leader Team

This month, we consider how exercise can boost traditional therapy, look at how migraine patients benefit from mindfulness, examine the neurological toll of racism, explore the science of white, brown, and other “colored” noise, and finally, investigate the role mindfulness plays in the effectiveness of sensory advertising. We have summarized the main ideas and key takeaways below with links to the full articles.

Adding Exercise to Therapy May Make It More Effective

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ChatGPT - 4 Things to Watch out For

BL00 - ChatGPT - 4 Things to Watch out For

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader Founder and CEO

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article titled "4 Ways ChatGPT Might Help With Mindfulness Facilitation" to share my excitement and showcase some of the cool things we can do with ChatGPT. While there were a number of positive comments, my friend and colleague Jamie Bristow raised some valid concerns about the limitations of using artificial intelligence (AI) for mindfulness facilitation. 

ChatGPT 4 things comment

In this article, we will explore some of these concerns and p…

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February Neuroscience Round-Up for Mindful Leaders

BL00 -  Workplace Neuroscience Roundup-Max-Quality

By The Mindful Leader Team

This month, we look at political polarization from a neurological perspective, examine the benefits of breathing exercises for stress reduction, consider the surprising benefits of forgetting (but also tips for how to remember things!), look at how climate crisis trauma negatively impacts cognitive functioning, and lastly, explore how smells are linked to memory and behavior in mice. We have summarized the main ideas and key takeaways below with links to the full arti…

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4 Ways ChatGPT Might Help With Mindfulness Facilitation

BL00 - 4 Ways ChatGPT Might Help With Mindfulness Facilitation

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader Founder and CEO

I’ve been a bit obsessed with ChatGPT.  It’s incredible. We all have heard about AI in the abstract, but this thing is live and you can use it now.  At our last CWMF alumni event and in our CWMF course I’ve been talking about the potential impact of AI for the last three years and am thrilled with the advances and usefulness of ChatGPT.  It's like having a super smart friend at your fingertips ready to help with almost anything. I have found it to b…

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January Neuroscience Round-Up for Mindful Leaders

BL00 -  Workplace Neuroscience Roundup-Max-Quality

By The Mindful Leader Team

This month, we look at what the science tells us about maximizing mindfulness in the workplace, the role of exercise and mindfulness in the cognition of older adults, and how psilocybin might increase trait mindfulness. Then, we’ll dive into the psychology of our love for villains and how blocking our automatic imitation behaviors can actually increase empathy and understanding of others. We have summarized the main ideas and key takeaways below with links to the full…

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3 Simple Ways to Create More Tech-Life Balance Today

BL00 - 3 Ways to Mindfully Use Technology in the New Normal-High-Quality

By Meico Marquette Whitlock, the Mindful Techie, guest contributor

The pandemic has disrupted your life and blurred the lines between working at home and living at work. Your job role may have shifted as we grapple collectively with how to provide essential services with little to no human contact. The volume of emails, texts, tweets, and meetings has increased exponentially. And you’re emotionally spent from all the change, disruption, and uncertainty. 

If you wish things could magically go b…

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Most Popular Articles of 2022

BL00 - Most Popular Articles of 2022

By The Mindful Leader Team

It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of 2022. Here at Mindful Leader, we are both surprised by how quickly this year has come to an end, but also happy to see the beginning of a new year.

While we are looking back at 2022, we wanted to reshare the most popular articles we shared on social media. We based our picks on our LinkedIn engagement, which includes reactions, shares, clicks, and comments. If you want to join us on LinkedIn, click here. For each article, …

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December Neuroscience Round-Up for Mindful Leaders

BL00 -  Workplace Neuroscience Roundup-Max-Quality

By the Mindful Leader Team

This week, we look at the promise of mindfulness meditation in treating anxiety and encouraging helping behavior, as well as why we tend to underestimate the value of our kindness towards others and what scientists have discovered about breathing and brain changes. Finally, we’ll tackle the big question that’s been on most of our minds lately: why does it feel like Christmas comes earlier each year? We have summarized the main ideas and key takeaways below with links …

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