Why Choose Retreat Unlimited?

With Retreat Unlimited, you’re not just attending a retreat—you’re making a commitment to continuous practice, renewal, and community.

Unlimited Access – Join as many 1-day retreats as you’d like throughout the year.
Live & Online – Experience guided retreats from anywhere—no travel required.
Flexible Weekend Scheduling – Retreats are held on select Saturdays and Sundays to fit your life.
Led by Certified MBSR Instructors – Learn from experienced, trusted teachers.
Supportive Community – Practice alongside a dedicated mindfulness community.
Incredible Value – One simple annual membership for unlimited growth and renewal.

Incredible Value -  Annual Membership: Just $149

  • Single Retreat Price: $99 per session
  • Attend 2 Retreats: Equivalent to $198—membership already pays for itself
  • Attend 4 Retreats: Equivalent to $396—save over 60% with membership
  • Attend 10+ Retreats: Save $900+

Subscribe to your well-being. Invest in silence. Retreat Regularly.

Like a garden, we all need tending from time to time—tending to our self-care, tending to our mindfulness practice, or simply tending to the need to step away from the noise and demands of daily life.

Retreat Unlimited was created to help. We offer an easy and accessible way to refresh and deepen your practice with highly trained, credible instructors, all following the well-established MBSR framework. With multiple retreat options every month on Saturdays and Sundays, you can find a time that fits your schedule.