
Workplace Mindfulness

The 3 Rs of the New Workplace: Responsive, Resilient, Ready

BL00 - The 3 Rs of the New Workplace Responsive, Resilient, Ready

By Jay Forte, guest contributor

For many organizations, how they do business and how work is done has completely changed. Though many organizations feel compelled to return to the way things were before COVID-19, this isn’t possible. Many of the things that previously filled our days have been replaced with things we either never thought possible or thought we would get to someday, like workplaces with fully remote employees, touchless contact, effective video sales calls, home delivery of near…

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How Mindfulness Can Help Manage Work Stress

BL00 - How MBSR Can Help Your Complex Work Stress

View our Free Guide - What is MBSR?

By Brenda Fingold, guest contributor

Even in the best of times, work is messy. By its very nature, work is unpredictable, complex, and continually moving in directions that are both expected and unexpected, pleasant and unpleasant, controllable and uncontrollable. And yet, most of us still show up every day assuming that we can contain our experience and are surprised when a conflict arises, technology goes down, a valued colleague gives notice, a done d…

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Mindful, Responsible Marketing In The Era Of Coronavirus

BL00 - Mindful, Responsible Marketing in the Era of Coronavirus

By Tyler McCune, guest contributor

The recent coronavirus pandemic has brought waves of change to every corner of our lives. Every corner of the globe, too. And even though this is an extremely difficult time for many, with stress, illness, death, and financial hardship taking their tolls, this period of self-isolation gives us an opportunity to reflect on how we live and act moving forward. 

This is true in the mindfulness community. And this is true in the marketing community. 

In fact, the…

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Is Mindful Leader Still Using Zoom? And Should I Stop Using Zoom?

BL00 - Is Zoom Safe

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader's President 

With the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have started using the video conferencing tool Zoom. In fact. according to Zoom CEO Eric Yuan's April 1st statement, their user base went from 10 million people in December to 200 million people in March.  

At Mindful Leader, we have been using Zoom extensively for the last few years. You might be hearing some concerning information about Zoom and I wanted to share what we are doing to address thi…

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How Mindfulness Facilitators Can Lead Through COVID-19

BL00 - How Mindfulness Facilitators Can Lead Through COVID-19 2

By Wendy Quan, guest contributor

Everyone knows about COVID-19. This is a time filled with volatility, fluidity, and uncertainty, followed by fear, worry, or anxiety. Now more than ever, it’s important for people to learn mindfulness and meditation tools to deal with these stressors.

It is a perfect time to mobilize our skills as mindfulness facilitators to go online and open our reach to more people.  

If you have been trained as a mindfulness facilitator, you know the delight and relief peo…

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How to Unlock your Company’s Collective Intelligence with Mindfulness

BL00 - Mindfulness Unlocks Your Company’s Collective Intelligence 3

By Christian Greiser, Jan-Philipp Martini, Liane Stephan, and Chris Tamdjidi, guest contributor

Does mindfulness foster an organization’s collective intelligence? A recent study conducted by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Awaris demonstrated a connection: 31 teams (totaling 196 people) that participated in a ten-week mindfulness program showed an average increase of 13% in collective intelligence, as measured by tests developed by the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence. 

The concept of …

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Creating a Culture of Working Mindfully: 2020 Report 

BL00 - Un-retreat 2020 4

View our Free Guide - What is MBSR?

Community Sourced Best Practices and Insights
Created from the Mindful Leader & Garrison Institute 2019 Unretreat

Introduction: What is Mindfulness and What Does it Look Like in the Workplace?

Definitions of mindfulness vary considerably. The traditional and most widely accepted definition is perhaps one which was put forth by Jon Kabat-Zinn, MIT Professor and creator of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), who defines mindfulness as: 

Paying atte…

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Increase Employee Mindfulness App Usage Doing This One Simple Thing

BL00 - Meditation Apps

By Deborah Hendricks, EdD, CFLE, Director of Pre-Health Advising & Mindfulness Coach, University of Toledo 

Mindfulness Phone Apps 

As the popularity of mindfulness meditation has grown in the last few years, so has the number of mindfulness phone apps, such as Ten Percent Happier, Calm, and HeadSpace. Also increasing is the number of businesses incorporating technology into their workplace wellness programs. Last year, I stopped into my local Apple store to purchase a product. While speaking …

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3 Reasons Why MBSR Should be the Workplace Standard

BL00 - What is MBSR 2

View our Free Guide - What is MBSR?

By Ted Meissner, guest contributor

Today you can find mindfulness just about everywhere, from classrooms to corporations, PBS specials and TIME magazine, and even in your grocery store checkout line. But that hasn’t always been the case, and mindfulness going mainstream has been a relatively new development.

Much of that is due to the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, who created a detailed curriculum for learning, practice, and even scientific research about min…

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8 Ways to Make Your Mindfulness Program Religiously Inclusive

BL00 - Mindfulness Awareness in Schools


The following article is an excerpt from a bonus resource called "Mindful Awareness Education In Schools: Creating Programs Of Integrity" shared by Laura Bakosh during the 2019 Mindfulness@ Work Summit. Thank you to her as well as the others who worked on these recommendations. 

The original recommendations were to discuss education, mindfulness, social-emotional-learning, social-justice, law, and religion in mindfulness education in public schools. A number of public schools have faced lega…

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