
Bringing Mindfulness to Work

BL00 - Bringing mindfulness to work

By Mo Edjlali, Mindful Leader's President and Chief Community Organizer

In recent years, mindfulness has made tremendous strides into mainstream society. People are practicing it individually and bringing it into their organizations. Through my work at Mindful Leader I have encountered, advised, and learned from countless champions of mindfulness at the workplace across the globe and at companies of every size and industry.

If you are interested in bringing mindfulness to your organization, th…

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Is There a Place for Compassion in Business?

BL00 - Is there a place for compassion in business

By Patricia Thompson, guest contributor

I recently coached a senior executive I’ll call Stephanie, who was grappling with a pretty common dilemma in the business world: her organization’s profits were nowhere near where they had been projected to be, and her impatient CEO wasn’t happy about it. She and her colleagues were feeling intense pressure to perform and feared that they would lose their jobs if they were unable to turn things around.

To cope with the situation, Stephanie decided to mir…

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