
Best of Summit

Mindful Behavior Change at the Organizational Level: Science & Lessons Learnt

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Parneet Pal, MBBS, MS shares how Wisdom Labs has created community and technology apps, to help organizations implement mindfulness in companies at @Work 2019. As a trained medical physician, she shifted her career to focus on preventative measures for wellness. Parneet shares factors important for motivation and behavior change alongside mindfulness initiatives. Additionally, she shares 6 key aspects for implementing mindfulness programs in organizations.

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Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Learn how to Recognize Trauma, Respond Skillfully, and Prevent Retraumatization

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Emerging research suggests that mindfulness interventions can help or hinder trauma survivors, raising a crucial question for those offering mindfulness practices: How do you minimize the potential dangers of mindfulness for survivors while leveraging its powerful benefits at the same time? Designed for anyone offering mindfulness practices, this session will equip you with the tools you need to offer mindfulness in a safe, effective, trauma-sensitive way.

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Bringing Mindfulness to Students of Color in Higher Education

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Reka Prasad at @Work 2018. This workshop will address the critical need at universities for mindfulness programming created for students of color. The long standing and daily racism that people of color endure can hinder self-esteem, positive body image and healthy decision-making. Mindfulness principles and practices can act as empowerment tools to address self-limiting beliefs related to one's racial and ethnic identity. By letting go of false and unhealth…

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Deconstructing Unconscious Bias Using Neuroscience & Mindfulness

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Speaker - Due Quach

Due Quach at the 2018 Mindful Leadership Summit. See how neural mechanisms underlie unconscious bias and learn how to provide a framework for mindful and compassionate observation. Discover how to deconstruct your biases, and how to activate neural pathways that enable you to more effectively engage with people whose perspectives may be very different from your own.

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Mindfulness and Transformative Education: Contemplative Teaching and Learning for Social Justice

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Rhonda Magee discusses mindfulness and transformative education and how to bridge contemplative teaching for learning social justice at @Work 2019. She shares how great social justice is possible when people have the tools of transformative and contemplate education, as methods to look within, challenge assumptions, examine the way people participate and shape the world and in having the reflexive space and creating community, to create change. When looki…

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Cultivating Racial Awareness: Diversity Starts with Leadership Not Policy

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Speaker - Ruth King

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Ruth King discusses how racism remains one of the most rooted and painful impasses of our time at the 2018 Mindful Leadership Summit. Discover how mindful awareness supports racial wellbeing and leadership transformation with the Racial Awareness Rubik™ — an understanding of our individual and collective racial conditioning and their systemic proliferation.

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A Little Too Much Truth: A Candid Conversation between a CEO & a Chief Diversity Officer

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Witness Naropa University’s President, Chuck Lief, and Chief Diversity Officer, Regina Smith, as they ask each other the tough questions about how identity informs their work, and that organizational leaders often avoid. This fierce and compassionate conversation demonstrates the fearlessness that is a trademark of leaders who are rooted in mindfulness practice, principles, & presence. This video was recorded at the 2018 Mindful Leadership Summit. 

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How to Overcome Burnout with a Self-Care Plan

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Shelly Tygielski shares how to create a Self-Care Plan to address burnout and provides approaches on how to build self-care in community settings at @Work 2019. Shelly explains how many people may not realize they are burned out because they do not know the signs of burnout. To recover from burnout, Shelly illustrates ways to conduct self-care in community, by identifying categories, establishing groups, and allowing for people to express their obstacles and…

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Create Open Heart Connections at Work with Mindfulness

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Susan Piver shares her journey of being a meditation teacher and author at Mindfulness @Work 2019. She explains and contrasts the difference between mindfulness, meditation & compassion. She reframes compassion as a fierce, brave, and courageous act, rather than the connotation of being soft or “nice”. According to Susan, the most important part of meditation is not what happens on the cushion, but how to bring this meditative sense into daily life and how w…

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Emotional Intelligent Leadership: From Theory to Practice

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Marc Brackett at the 2016 Mindful Leadership Summit. Marc discusses ways to harness the wisdom of emotions through developing the skills of emotional intelligence. He shares tools that help us to develop emotional intelligence in order to better navigate relationships and social networks, influence and inspire others, and achieve both greater personal well-being and professional success.

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