Best of Summit
Debate at the 2019 Mindful Leadership Summit
Candy Gunther Brown, PhD, Rich Fernandez, PhD, David Forbes, PhD, and Barnaby Spring debate the state of mindfulness in 2019. From the rise of McMindfulness to the question of what should be allowed in schools, they covered it all in 45 minutes.
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Lesson Learned in Over a Decade of Mindfulness@SIYLI
Richard provides an overview of the milestones over the last decade of Search Inside Yourself, and his tenure at Google and Ebay. He explains the best practices of mindfulness and how to create mindfulness programs inside organizations. As mindfulness becomes trending, he reminds mindfulness is not just a productivity tool, however, it is a way to change how organizations operate, increase resiliency and emotional intelligence, to improve the way people work together, to impact society.
This Fr…
Becoming a Mindful Leader
The ongoing problems in business leadership have underscored the need for a new kind of leader in the twenty-first century: the Mindful Leader. Author Bill George, a Harvard Business School professor and the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, will explore why mindfulness is essential to your performance as a leader, why organizations are focusing on developing authentic leadership, and how you can become a more mindful leader.
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Bill George is a Senior Fell…
Deconstructing Unconscious Bias Using Neuroscience & Mindfulness
See how neural mechanisms underlie unconscious bias and learn how to provide a framework for mindful and compassionate observation. Discover how to deconstruct your biases, and how to activate neural pathways that enable you to more effectively engage with people whose perspectives may be very different from your own.
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Due ("Zway"), author of Calm Clarity: How to Use Science to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Wisdom, Fulfillment and Joy, is the founder and…
How to Motivate Yourself with Kindness
Mindfulness @SAP: The Journey, Tactics, & Strategies Behind One of the World's Most Successful Mindfulness at Work Programs
In this session, Peter Bostelmann provides an overview to how the company SAP has successfully implemented a Global Mindfulness Practice inside their organization. Currently, there are 6,500+ SAP employees who have completed the 2 day ‘Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute’ mindfulness training program (since 2012), with a growing waitlist of 5,500+ employees excited to attend the training. He provides insights and guidelines for organizational initiatives to deliver mindfulness trainings,…
How to be Mindful of McMindfulness
This Free Sum…
3 Common Mistakes Launching Mindfulness at Work & How to Avoid Them
The mindfulness initiatives in organizations are met with both excitement and resistance to creating programs in the workplace. There are three ways program facilitators can overcome the three biggest challenges to implementing mindfulness at work. These approaches can include formal and informal strategies to initiate programs. To build momentum and keep an audience engaged includes introducing various mindfulness techniques. Also, internal facilitation and program coordinator required leadersh…
Developing Interoception: Opening New Gateways of Perception
Leaders significantly benefit from interoception, the practice of body-sensing. It is used to foster a better understanding of how listening to the messages and subtle cues of the body, increases our capacity for creativity, connection, and empathy. Interoception is a useful tool that helps individuals learn how to act and respond to the world. The increase in empathy and connectedness also allows humans to strengthen their response in difficult situations, and promote healing from past trauma, …
Mindfulness and Transformative Education: Contemplative Teaching and Learning for Social Justice
Rhonda Magee discusses mindfulness and transformative education, in how to bridge contemplative teaching for learning social justice. She shares how great social justice is possible when people have the tools of transformative and contemplate education, as methods to look within, challenge assumptions, examine the way people participate and shape the world and in having the reflexive space and creating community, to create change. When looking at challenges, contemplate education provides the mo…