Best of Summit
How to Motivate Yourself with Kindness
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How to Motivate Yourself with Kindness with Kristin Neff, Ph.D. from @Work 2019. Dr. Kristin Neff, an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, illustrates the importance of self-compassion, from the individual, to business context, to use with military veterans. She explains the difference between motivation by self-compassion and self-esteem. Self-compassion is a caring, open, and learning stance towards oneself with a mindset of growth and…
Pushing Into Fear with Devotion & Purpose
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From @Work 2018. Leo Babauta founder of Zen Habits, shares his journey of how he transformed his life by changing one habit at a time, and how he used mindfulness to implement these changes. He discusses how he overcame fear, uncertainty, and discomfort with devotion and focusing on his purpose by conditioning new habits with mindfulness and love. He discusses how to use mindfulness to catch the triggers and discomforts, and how to stay balanced between pushin…
The Power of Breathing Patterns: End Anxiety and Re-inspire
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Max Strom at the 2019 Mindful Leadership Summit. With the rise of stress and anxiety in the world that is stifling happiness, meaning, and connection with each other, it might seem that something as simple as breathing patterns couldn’t possibly help. In this session, you will learn how scientific research and experience with tens of thousands of people around the world has found that utilizing conscious breathing patterns for a few minutes every day is the …
Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader
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Marc Lesser from the Mindful Leadership Summit 2019. Explore how the inner work of mindfulness and self-awareness meets the outer work of leadership and business as forces for positive change and results that matter. Learn how to cultivate leadership presence, thrive in the midst of change and challenges, improve focus and flexibility, cultivate greater self-awareness and resilience, and increase engagement, collaboration, and well-being.
Making a Case for Mindful Leadership
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Mo Edjlali, President of Mindful Leader, at the 2018 Mindful Leadership Summit. Join Mindful Leader President Mo Edjlali in this session to learn about Mindful Leadership and how to make a compelling business case for Mindful Leadership.
Case Study: Mindfulness@ The U.S. Senate
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Watch Kristin Welsh-Simpson at the Mindful Leadership Summit 2019. This talk will highlight the whys, hows and current status of a nationwide mindfulness program launched at the Senate two years ago. You will learn about delivering a product that is not being asked for, sustaining a program in a resistant environment, and laying the foundation for culture change.
Mindful Leadership: Finding the Space to Lead with Inspiration
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Much of today’s lifestyle leaves us feeling overloaded and disconnected, so prioritizing time to form and cultivate connections falls by the wayside. Is that just the way life is today? Or can we nurture a workforce to feel engaged, and, yes, even inspired? Join Janice Marturano as she discusses this.
3 Common Mistakes Launching Mindfulness at Work & How to Avoid Them
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Wendy Quan and Mo Edjlali at the 2019 Mindfulness@Work Summit.
The mindfulness initiatives in organizations are met with both excitement and resistance to creating programs in the workplace. There are three ways program facilitators can overcome the three biggest challenges to implementing mindfulness at work. These approaches can include formal and informal strategies to initiate programs. To build momentum and keep an audience engaged includes introducing …
Law & Ethics Concerning Religion in Workplace Mindfulness Programs
Professor Brown discusses why it is important for individuals to consider the legal and ethical implications of Mindfulness Programs in the workplace and in schools. First, she tackles the question, is mindfulness is a religion? And then, what is religion? Brown believes that programs in the workplace or in schools should be both opt-in and transparent about Buddhist roots. Additionally, she explains the rights of employees with regard to a report from the Equal Employment Opportunity Com…
Where Mindfulness and Compassion Make a Difference
Sharon and Tim discuss ways that integrating more mindfulness and compassion into our society could benefit us all. They look at what’s currently going on with mindfulness at the federal government level, and they share their vision for what’s possible
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Sharon Salzberg is a central figure in the field of meditation, a world-renowned teacher and NY Times bestselling author. She has played a crucial role in bringing meditation and mindfulness practices to the West …